Your Microbiome And You

The stress of wanting things to be perfect is a very destructive force that can keep you from doing all the things you want to and increase the cost for things needlessly. Instead, you get to go on the initiative and score your first points before the opposition even gets …

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Blind Spots

Maybe it's reaching one hundred thousand followers, launching a successful product or store, getting published, going on live TV, getting hired by the company of your dreams for the position of your dreams and the salary of your dreams, or being best friends with your idol. For example, the venerable …

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Taking A Technology Break

The photo is a positive trigger in an otherwise negative environment. Many types of anxiety disorders occur alongside mood disorders, and your mood can change depending on the chemicals your brain releases. But, if you need a snack, wouldn't it be better to eat food that you know won't trigger …

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Cultivate Involvement

I couldn't even disclose how I was feeling and what I was thinking to my psychiatrist. I didn't have the emotional support and attention that I needed, I suffered terribly from my father's abandonment, and consequently I developed maladaptive coping strategies: eating disorders, smoking, and addiction. In this chain, the …

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Vocabulary Raises

To start with, practising martial arts is more strenuous and can therefore help you to become stronger and fitter much faster than gentle exercise. If you say to someone "don't think of an elephant," the very first thing they picture will, of course, be an elephant. Spread a productive innovation …

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Turn Enjoyment Into A Game

And because they are all the same thing, he continued, it is within your ability to 'tune the dial' to the degree of your own choosing. Not once did she tell anyone about her son. You can become lucid during these dreams and actually it's incredibly common to do so …

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I Wouldn't Want To Cramp Your Style

Rather than trying to manage time, manage the priorities that consume your time -- those you do have control over. If you feed your brain with positive inputs when faced with non-life-threatening fear, you are building neural pathways that will reinforce a positive mindset and behaviours when similar situations arise. Waking …

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I Eat Too Fast

Each person has an approach to dealing with his person and certain situations. If you're dark haired and want a lift, I recommend choosing a golden brown or a midtoned blonde, depending on the yellow undertones of your skin. In 1916, using microscopy, the pathologist Dr James Dawson of the …

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Removing A Rewarding Stimulus

You supplement the things you know he's good at--coming up with recipes or devising tasty spice combinations--with things that you might be better at that you know he's going to need. Before we can gain any awareness of our deep, intuitive yearning for seasonally appropriate, nutritious food, we must first …

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Limit Your Options With Regards To Piety

Your inner circle has to evolve over time as you continually initiate new connections aligned to your current business or personal needs. The three main marketing stages are commonly referred to as awareness (start), consideration (midpoint), and conversion (end), and I like to add two more, retention and referral. Why …

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Turn Verification Into A Game

Having a little momentum going before getting to this point may help you see clearly, now that you've taken a step back, evaluated your thought processes, and begun to change them through better, healthier habits. If one person starts talking at length about his or her own special topic that …

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Filter Out Passion

I saw myself as a child, my mum was holding my hand and pointing through some metal grills at the games on the shelves. I read and absorbed everything I could find on deliberate creation and the Law of Attraction. Listen to what the person is saying and try to …

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